Dinosaurs Rock and other Science Fun – Virtual Shows!

DINOSAURS ROCK, in it 20th year, offers 5 science-themed events - now available in a virtual format - We Bring The Museum To You! Each, highly interactive, fun show uses Museum-quality specimens viewed up-close - Best of all we ship real specimens, related to each theme to the library for distribution to families/children so we maintain a tactile element. Select from DINOSAURS ROCK, OCEANS ROCK, GEMS ROCK, INSECTS ROCK and our new SPACE & ROCKETRY program. All DINOSAURS ROCK instructors have a deep connection with children and embrace our mission of providing a fun, entertaining, authentic learning experience. 5-star reviews include, "Better than going to a museum."
Additional Information
Contact Person
Leslie Freund
Email Address
Work Phone Number
1 Penny Lane
Montebello, NY

Program Type
Science-themed events using real/life-size museum specimens - with 20+ years of in-person events on the E & W Coasts, we are now offering our programs nationwide, virtually, live! This is educational entertainment at its best with past clients including
Single Performance Fee
Residency Fee
Recommended Ages
Recommended Minimum Age
Recommended Maximum Age
Maximum Group Size
unlimited virtually
Travel Range
Willing to perform in the following counties:
- Apache
- Cochise
- Coconino
- Gila
- Graham
- Greenlee
- La Paz
- Maricopa
- Mohave
- Navajo
- Pima
- Pinal
- Santa Cruz
- Yavapai
- Yuma
Willing to work with libraries?
Willing to work with schools?
Library References
Gail Bordern Library – Elgin, IL – Nikki Marabotti (847) 742-2411
Quogue Public Library – Quogue, NY – Miss Pat – 631-618-7814
Greenville Public Library – Greenville, SC – Karen Allen – 864-527-9249
Fingerprint Clearance ID Available?
Offers a Virtual Performance Option?
Virtual Performance Description
DINOSAURS ROCK, in it 20th year, offers 5 science-themed events – now available in a virtual format – We Bring The Museum To You! Each, highly interactive, fun show uses Museum-quality specimens viewed up-close – Best of all we ship real specimens, related to each theme to the library for distribution to families/children so we maintain a tactile element. Select from DINOSAURS ROCK, OCEANS ROCK, GEMS ROCK, INSECTS ROCK and our new SPACE & ROCKETRY program. All DINOSAURS ROCK instructors have a deep connection with children and embrace our mission of providing a fun, entertaining, authentic learning experience. 5-star reviews include, “Better than going to a museum.”
Viewing Limits/Parameters
Registration typically handled by the library – we prefer a Live Zoom event
Virtual Performance Fee
Virtual Performance Technical Needs
We hope someone from the library can “admit” guests so we can focus on delivering the show (shared hosts)
Special Notes
There’s a Virtual demo on the home page of our web site – https://dinosaursrockprograms.com/